22 junho 2012

Verão ayurvédico - Grishma Ritucharya

Por estas "bandas" tem-se falado sobre a importância que as estações do ano têm sobre o corpo humano, e de forma a evitar um agravamento dos doshas, cada estação tem orientações definidas e recomendadas - Ritucharya.

As relativas ao verão - Grishma Ritucharya - têm o seu foco na alimentação e no estilo de vida.

During the Summer, the sun evaporates the moisture of the earth and therefore induces hot, dry and sharp qualities in the atmosphere, resulting in Pitta aggravation. In Summer sweet, cold, liquid and fatty food and drinks are beneficial. One should avoid or minimise excessive exercise and sex, alcohol, and diets which are salty, sour and pungent, or hot. In Summer time one should enjoy forests, gardens, flowers and cool water. During the night one should sleep on the open airy roof of the house, which is cooled by the rays of the moon.
(Charaka Samhita).

Shunya Pratichi Mathur (Vedika Global) escreve a respeito da alimentação:

Ayurveda wise, the fiery hot sun in summer activates Pitta Dosha and increasing dryness (of the wind) begins to accumulate Vata, and there is reduction in Kapha Dosha within the body, and also, Rasa Dhatu (fluid nutrition of all the body tissues), and the Bala (strength) of the body are also greatly diminished.

In Ayurveda, the seasons and their impact on the human body have been studied carefully, and an elaborate scientific food and lifestyle protocol has been developed in response for each season under the topic of Ritucharya, which literally translates as seasonally specific recommended behavior to prevent the aggravation of doshas and ward of season specific discomfort and prevent potential disease.

The summer protocol, called Grishma Ritucharya advises specialized dietary food and lifestyle measures such as counteracting dry heat of summer with moist, sweet, cooling, liquid, flowing and slightly fatty and fragrant foods; and adapting cooling lifestyle practices such as Sheetali Pranayama, exposure to moonlight, etc.

Specially Recommended Summer Foods:
Ayurveda chooses summer foods based upon their intrinsic moist, slightly oily, and sweet, Kapha and Rasa enhancing qualities -

- Cereals: Wheat, Oats, Rice, Sweet Corn
- Lentils: Mung Lentil (Green and Yellow)
- Dairy: Ghee (Clarified Butter), Milk (Cow or Buffalo), Sweet Butter, Yogurt Lassi with added sugar, Piyusha (cow’s colostrum), Shreekhand
- Fruits: Mango, Pomegranate, Dates, Coconut (also drink coconut water to stay hydrated), Nectarine, Plums, Raisins, Honey Dew, Cantaloupe. Keep in mind that all fruits consumed in summer should be ripe and sweet. Discard if they are sour or unripe.
- Vegetables: Limes (versus lemons in Lemonade), Cucumbers, Beets, Carrots, Summer Squash, Opo Squash, Green beans, White Onions (versus red), Mint, Coriander leaves, Okra, Snake gourd, Yam, Wax Gourd, Cauliflower

Non Vegetarian: Keep at a minimum. Some fish such as Grass Carp (Rohu) is okay. Or enjoy very lightly or minimally spiced soup of chicken or goat meat (relatively clear / light soup).

Special products:
Amalaki juice (Indian gooseberry)
Amalaki Murabba – sugar syrup soaked gooseberries
Gulkand (Rose petal jam)
Kokum juice (Mango stein)

Spices: Concentrate more on cumin, fennel and coriander seeds or powder. Only use rock salt (Saindha namak), Mint, Cardamom

Classic Preparations:
1- Porridge made from old rice and old wheat grains
2- Aged rice (at least 1 year old) + Ghee + Milk + Almonds (1 or 2) + Saffron + Cardamom + Sugar.
3-Green gram Lentil in the form of soup.
4-Grated coconut cooked in milk + sugar
5-Wheat flour lightly roasted in ghee, cooked in milk + sugar

Classic drinks:
1- Churned 1part yogurt + 4 parts cool water + 1 part fresh sweet mangoes to make Mango Lassi*
2–Buttermilk (churned 1 part yogurt + 4 parts cool water)+ sugar + cardamom powder
3- Thin gruel prepared from cornflower + cool water +sugar
4 - Aged wheat grains powdered + Jaggery + Coconut + Cinnamon +Nutmeg + Poppy seeds + Milk.
5- Buffalo milk + sugar + moon light + starlight (expose all night)
6- The drinking water should be boiled and cooled and can be scented with addition of naturally cooling and fragrant herbs (if available) like Ushira, Chandan (Sandalwood), edible camphor and Khas.
7-Corriander seeds + water + moonlight - kept overnight - strain next day to drink
8- Buttermilk + sugar + rose water essence
9 - Cool water + pinches of cardamom powder + clove powder + black pepper powder+ powder of edible camphor (Karpura)
10-Hand squeezed, filtered juice from the pulp of fresh Mango, neither over ripe not unripe, cooked slightly in water + sugar + Cumin powder + mint leaves as garnish.

· Note: In Ayurveda, no other fruit is mixed with milk or yogurt except sweet mango.

Foods to Avoid as much as possible during summer:
Papaya – very heating
Pineapple – very heating
Watermelon – has potential to imbalance all 3 doshas – gas increasing
Garlic – minimize or at least cook in ghee. Do not eat raw in summer.
Red onions
Red Meat
Mustard oil and mustard leaves in cooking – very heating

Additional Dietary Recommendations:

Ayurveda not only advises increasing intake of naturally sweet, moist, slightly fatty, and nourishing food to balance dryness and heat in body but also that we do not overeat, since the digestive power called Agni is naturally low .
Here are more tips for you to pay heed to: 

Increase intake of sweet, sour and salty tastes and reduce pungent, astringent and bitter tastes in food. Temperature wise also, food can be allowed to cool down a bit before consuming.

Avoid heavy, too oily, overly spiced meals and choose natural drinks, juicy fruits, and sweet, moist satisfying meals like rice or wheat cooked with fragrant spices like cardamom, ghee, milk and sugar instead. Similarly avoid dry, hot and spicy foods.

Reduce salt and black pepper intake as they contain natural fire. Avoid or reduce garlic and tomatoes in cooking and instead prefer cooked onions. Avoid fermented foods including bread. Indian food dosa, idly, as fermented foods aggravate not only Pitta but also Vata and Kapha.

Decrease red meat and alcohol consumption, or avoid totally, as they are very heating. When making a fruit salad, to make is most digestible, always combine super sweet and ripe fruits together – avoid mixing in sour or unripe fruits.

Always fruits as a separate meal – allow for 2 to 3 hours between the last meal and eating fruits.

When making a salad in summer, add a generous amount of oil so as to enhance the water element versus the air (dry) element. Salads are popular summer meals nowadays, but Ayurveda recommends we limit raw vegetable intake as they are very hard to digest and can increase air element.

Always cook vegetables in ghee (clarified butter) especially during summer. Ghee is a very important substance to consume in summer to counteract the harsh affect of sun and wind on the body’s doshas.

Ayurveda recommends that summer meals should only be moist, soft and nourishing, but also easily digestible as our innate digestive fire called Agni is naturally on the low side during the hot summer months. 

