08 março 2012

The Goddess as knowledge

In Tantra, as in many spiritual traditions, the feminine aspect of Divine reality represents knowledge or wisdom (Sanskrit vidya). (...)
      The true worship of the Goddess involves knowledge, which is her real form. It is not merely an outer worship, but an inner worship which is meditation. Meditation on the Goddess is a form of Self-inquiry or a means of acquiring knowledge. It is not merely an adulation of feminine forms or qualities. It may start with the image of the Goddess but reaches far beyond the limits of name, form and personality to the impersonal Absolute.
      The Goddess represents what is hidden, secret, subtle and sensitive, what has to be searched out and discovered. As the Word, she represents both the teaching and its comprehension. She is thus the inner guiding power. The Goddess represents what is to be known, what we are drawn by an inner fascination to discover. (...)
      In the process of spiritual learning the Goddess becomes the muse who guides and inspire us. She is the high priestess who unfolds the inner truths. Yet true knowledge as part of an integral comprehension of reality is always related to energy and beauty. The Goddess is not only knowledge but power and delight. Knowledge of her reveals her powers, which are awesome and transformative. Understanding of her reveals her bliss, which is the joy of going beyond all the limitations of the body-mind.
      Yet the Goddess does not merely give us knowledge. She is the knowledge. The inner knowledge is the body of the Goddess, which she unfolds as her various adornments and eventually as her own being. Wisdom is the ultimate form of beauty and delight, the most sought after beloved object in creation, and hence the ultimate embodiment of the Divine feminine. 
      Spiritual knowledge is the womb through which we are reborn into the world of truth. Knowledge is the Divine Mother through whom we are born as Gods. Entering into the higher knowledge is to enter into the body of the Goddess for our own spiritual rebirth. To contact the Divine Mother and commune with her powers unfolds the various degrees and stages of our own inner transformations.
      Ultimately the Goddess is not merely knowledge but pure consciousness itself (Samvit). She bestows the capacity to cognize the underlying unitary essence in all beings. She is the knowledge that puts the mind to rest and returns us to the source. Through her we discover the serenity of the Self.

FRAWLEY, David. Tantric Yoga and the wisdom Goddesses. Lotus Press: 2010, pp. 59-60